Delivering 30+ at-home health tests with easy-to-understand and actionable health insights within 2-5 days.
Much of this work is still ongoing but here is a quick overview of some of the projects I have worked on.
My role: Product Designer

This project focused on creating landing pages, product listing pages and product detail pages for the introduction of a new pharmacy offering that allows customers to configure and purchase birth control medication and erectile dysfunction medication online.
Initial research for this project consisted of competitor research, research into generic vs. branded medications, mapping out users flows on the web and looking a patient intake questionnaires and flows.

Design, Testing & Iteration
Once the initial research was done, we created designs and flows that were tested through User Testing to ensure there was no ambiguity and that the designs performed as expected.
Testing highlighted some UI and content issues which we addressed and re-tested to validate any changed that were made.

Final Designs
Once all testing was complete, I worked closely with the developer team to ensure we created pages that were aligned with the designs and that contained UI allowing customers to configure their medication strength, number of pills and subscription frequency.
I also worked with our visual team to create imagery that aligned with our brand and communicated our new pharmacy offering to a high standard. Once the imagery was created we built out these pages using our CMS.

Other ongoing work - Web Navigation

Other ongoing work - Catalog Pages